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Semantic Nullability

At a glance

  • Identifier: SemanticNullability
  • Stage: RFC0: Strawman
  • Champion: -
  • PR: -
  • Related:
    • #1065 (SemanticNonNull type (null only on error))
    • wg#1410 (Strict Semantic Nullability)


RFC: Semantic Nullability

📜 Problem History

One of GraphQL's early decisions was to allow "partial success"; this was a critical feature for Facebook - if one part of their backend infrastructure became degraded they wouldn't want to just render an error page, instead they wanted to serve the user a page with as much working data as they could.

Error propagation

To accomplish this, if an error occured within a resolver, the resolver's value would be replaced with a null, and an error would be added to the errors array in the response. GraphQL thus adopted the non-traditional stance of all types being "nullable by default" (since an error could happen anywhere at any time for any reason).

However, null-checking is exhausting and in some positions errors are extremely unlikely (and null is not an expected value according to the business logic) so GraphQL allowed a position to be marked non-nullable by following the type with a ! marker - this would guarantee that that position in the data could not contain a null.

What if a non-null field were to throw an error, or incorrectly return null, then? To solve that apparent contradiction, GraphQL introduced the "error propagation" behavior (also known colloquially as "null bubbling") - when a null (from an error or otherwise) occurs in a non-nullable position, the parent position (either a field or a list item) is made null instead. This behavior would repeat if the parent position was also non-nullable, and this could propagate (or "bubble") all the way up to the root of the operation if everything in the path is non-nullable.

Thus the ! non-null marker has also been known as "kills parent on exception" due to this destructive error propagation behavior.

This solved the issue, and meant that GraphQL's nullability promises were still honoured; but it wasn't without complications.

Complication 1: partial success

We want to be resilient to systems failing; but errors that occur in non-nullable positions cascade to surrounding parts of the query, making less and less data available to be rendered.

This seems contrary to our "partial success" aim, but it's easy to solve - we just make sure that the positions where we expect errors to occur are nullable so that errors don't propagate further. Clients now need to handle null in these positions.

Complication 2: nullable epidemic

Almost any field in your GraphQL schema could raise an error - errors might not only be caused by backend services becoming unavailable or responding in unexpected ways; they can also be caused by simple programming errors in your business logic, data consistency errors (e.g. expecting a boolean but receiving a float), or any other cause.

Since we don't want to "blow up" the entire response if any such issue occurred, we've moved to strongly encourage nullable usage throughout a schema, only adding the non-nullable ! marker to positions where we're truly sure that field is extremely unlikely to error. This has the effect of meaning that developers consuming the GraphQL API have to handle potential nulls in more positions than they would expect, making for additional work.

Complication 3: normalized caching

Many modern GraphQL clients use a "normalized" cache, such that updates pulled down from the API in one query can automatically update all the previously rendered data across the application. This helps ensure consistency for users, and is a powerful feature.

However, if an error occurs in a non-nullable position, it's no longer safe to store the data to the normalized cache. Again, the solution is to make more of your schema nullable.

The Nullability Working Group

At first, we thought the solution to this was to give clients control over the nullability of a response, so we set up the Client-Controlled Nullability (CCN) Working Group. Later, we renamed the working group to the Nullability WG to show that it encompassed all potential solutions to this problem.

Client-controlled nullability

The first Nullability WG proposal came from a collaboration between Yelp and Netflix, with contributions from GraphQL WG regulars Alex Reilly, Mark Larah, and Stephen Spalding among others. They proposed we could adorn the queries we issue to the server with sigils indicating our desired nullability overrides for the given fields - client-controlled nullability.

A ? would be added to fields where we don't mind if they're null, but we definitely want errors to stop there; and add a ! to fields where we definitely don't want a null to occur (whether or not there is an error). This would give consumers control over where errors/nulls were handled.

However, after much exploration of the topic over years we found numerous issues that traded one set of concerns for another. We kept iterating whilst we looked for a solution to these tradeoffs.

True nullability schema

Jordan Eldredge proposed that making fields nullable to handle error propagation was hiding the "true" nullability of the data. Instead, he suggested, we should have the schema represent the true nullability, and put the responsibility on clients to use the ? CCN operator to handle errors in the relevant places.

However, this would mean that clients such as Relay would want to add ? in every position, causing an "explosion" of question marks, because really what Relay desired was to disable error propagation entirely.

Disabling error propagation

It became clear that disabling error propagation was desired by advanced GraphQL clients and vital for ensuring that normalized caches were as useful as possible and that we could live up to the promise of GraphQL's partial success without compromise. But that was only part of the problem - the other part was that we want to see the "true" nullability of fields, the nullability if we were to exclude errors.

Note: this RFC assumes that clients may opt out of error propagation via some mechanism that is outside the scope of this RFC and will be handled in a separate RFC (e.g. via a directive such as @noErrorPropagation or @behavior(onError: NULL); or via a request-level flag) - in general the specific mechanism is unimportant and thus solutions are not expected to comment on it unless the choice is significant to the proposal.

Semantic nullability

We realised that if we were to do this, we would need two schemas: one for when null bubbling is disabled, where the true nullability of fields could be represented; and one for the traditional error handling behavior, where nullability would need to factor in that errors can occur.

However, maintaining two nearly-identical-except-for-nullability schemas is a chore... and it felt like it was solveable if we could teach GraphQL to understand this need... What we ultimately realised is that GraphQL is missing a type.

Ignoring errors, if we look at our business logic we can determine if a field is either semantically nullable (it's meaningful for this field to be null - for example an Animal might not have an owner currently) or semantically non-nullable (this field will never be null - for example every Post must belong to a topic). However GraphQL muddied the waters here by factoring errors into the mix... "what if the "topics" service went down?" it would ask; "we might want to render the post!" And thus, we would make Post.topic nullable, even though we know it should always exist, because we don't want error propagation to destroy the entire response.

So we actually have three types:

Semantically nullable
Semantically non-nullable
Strictly non-nullable

We could already express a position that could never error and never be null (we called this non-nullable, e.g. Int!), and we could express a position that could be null or have an error (we called this nullable, e.g. Int), but what we lacked was the ability to say "this position can be null, but that will only happen if an error has occurred" - a "null only on error" or "semantically non-null" type.

📜 Problem Statement

GraphQL needs to be able to represent semantically nullable and semantically non-nullable types as such when error propagation is disabled.

📋 Solution Criteria

This section sketches out the potential goals that a solution might attempt to fulfill. These goals will be evaluated with the GraphQL Spec Guiding Principles in mind:

  • Backwards compatibility
  • Performance is a feature
  • Favor no change
  • Enable new capabilities motivated by real use cases
  • Simplicity and consistency over expressiveness and terseness
  • Preserve option value
  • Understandability is just as important as correctness

Each criteria is identified with a Letter so they can be referenced in the rest of the document. New criteria must be added to the end of the list.

Solutions are evaluated and scored using a simple 3 part scale. A solution may have multiple evaluations based on variations present in the solution.

  • Pass. The solution clearly meets the criteria
  • ⚠️ Warning. The solution doesn't clearly meet or fail the criteria, or there is an important caveat to passing the criteria
  • 🚫 Fail. The solution clearly fails the criteria
  • ❔ The criteria hasn't been evaluated yet

Passing or failing a specific criteria is NOT the final word. Both the Criteria and the Solutions are up for debate.

Criteria have been given a "score" according to their relative importance in solving the problem laid out in this RFC while adhering to the GraphQL Spec Guiding Principles. The scores are:

  • 🥇 Gold - A must-have
  • 🥈 Silver - A nice-to-have
  • 🥉 Bronze - Not necessary

🎯 A. GraphQL should be able to indicate which nullable fields should become non-nullable when error propagation is disabled

The promise of this RFC - the reflection of the semantic nullability of the fields without compromising requests with error propagation enabled via the differentiation of a "null if and only if an error occurs" type.

With error propagation enabled (the traditional GraphQL behavior), it's recommended that fields are marked nullable if errors may happen there, even if the underlying value is semantically non-nullable. If we allow error-handling clients to disable error propagation, then these traditionally nullable positions can be marked (semantically) non-nullable in that mode, since with error propagation disabled the selection sets are no longer destroyed.

Note: Traditional non-nullable types will effectively become semantically non-nullable when error propagation is disabled no matter which solution is chosen, so this criteria is only concerned with traditionally nullable types.


Criteria score: 🥇

🎯 B. Existing executable documents should retain validity and meaning

Users should be able to adopt semantic nullability into an existing schema, and when doing so all existing operations should remain valid, and should have the same meaning as they always did.


Criteria score: 🥇

🎯 C. Unadorned type should mean nullable

GraphQL has been public for 10 years and there's a lot of content out there noting that GraphQL types are nullable by default (unadorned type is nullable) and our changes should not invalidate this content.


Criteria score: 🥈

🎯 D. Syntax should be obvious to programmers

The GraphQL languages similarity to JSON is one of its strengths, making it immediately feel familiar. Syntax used should feel obvious to developers new to GraphQL.


Criteria score: 🥈

🎯 E. Syntax used in SDL and in executable documents should be consistent with SDL

When a user wishes to replace the value for an input field or argument with a variable in their GraphQL operation, the type syntax should be either identical or similar, and should carry the same meaning.


Criteria score: 🥇

🎯 F. Alternative syntaxes should not cause confusion

Where a proposal allows alternative syntaxes to be used, the two syntaxes should not cause confusion.


Criteria score: 🥇

🎯 G. Error propagation boundaries should not change in existing executable documents

An expansion of B, this states that the proposal will not change where errors propagate to when error propagation is enabled (i.e. existing documents will still keep errors local to the same positions that they did when they were published), allowing for the "partial success" feature of GraphQL to continue to shine and not compromising the resiliency of legacy deployed app versions.


Criteria score: 🥇

  • ✂️ Objection: proposal to lower the score to 🥈. With enough advance notice and a clear upgrade path for legacy apps, the tradeoff might be acceptable.

🎯 H. Implementation and spec simplicity

The implementation required to make the proposal work should be simple.


Criteria score: 🥉


Template for new items:

🎯 X. Title



Criteria score: ❔


🚧 Possible Solutions

The community has imagined a variety of possible solutions, synthesized here.

Each solution is identified with a Number so they can be referenced in the rest of the document. New solutions must be added to the end of the list.

💡 1. New "Semantic Non-Null" type, represented by *

Champion: @benjie

This proposal introduces a new Semantic Non-Null type using a prefix or postfix symbol (currently * postfix) to indicate a field that will be null only on error. Existing types and operations are unaffected, and usage can be migrated on a per-type-position basis. Moving from a nullable type to a semantic non-nullable type (on output) is a non-breaking change. Semantic non-nullable is meaningless on input.

type Post {
# Every post belongs to a topic, however don't blow the post up if retrieval of the topic fails.
topic: Topic*

Querying a semantic non-null field is the same as querying any other field.

Existing syntaxProposed syntax
Semantically nullableIntInt
Semantically non-nullable-Int*
Strictly non-nullableInt!Int!

🎲 Variations

Various options for the syntax have been discussed the choice of symbol comes down mostly to aesthetics.

⚖️ Evaluation

  • [A][criteria-a]
  • [B][criteria-b]
    • ✅ Existing symbology unchanged.
  • [C][criteria-c]
    • ✅ Existing symbology unchanged.
  • [D][criteria-d]
    • 🚫 Int* syntax is not immediately obvious.
  • [E][criteria-e]
    • ✅ Same syntax.
  • [F][criteria-f]
    • ✅ Same syntax.
  • [G][criteria-g]
    • ✅ Error capture positions unchanged when error propagation enabled
  • [H][criteria-h]
    • ✅ Implementation and spec simplicity.

💡 2. "Strict Semantic Nullability"

Champion: @leebyron

This proposal introduces a @strictNullability directive on the schema. Types in schemas using this directive would now be semantically non-nullable by default, and a new semantically nullable type is introduced (using the ? symbol) to indicate that a position may semantically be null.

Existing syntaxProposed syntax
Semantically nullableIntInt?
Semantically non-nullable-Int
Strictly non-nullableInt!Int!

⚖️ Evaluation

  • [A][criteria-a]
  • [B][criteria-b]
    • 🚫 Though existing documents remain valid, input variables using the unadorned type now mean "semantically non-nullable" and will no longer accept null values? {Confirmation by Lee pending.}
  • [C][criteria-c]
    • 🚫 GraphQL is no longer "nullable by default", and Int no longer represents a nullable integer.
  • [D][criteria-d]
    • Int? is commonly used to indicate nullablility in programming languages and Int! indicating non-nullable or danger is common. Int is less obvious when ? and ! variants exist.
  • [E][criteria-e]
    • ✅ The same syntax is used on input and output.
  • [F][criteria-f]
    • ✅ There is no alternative syntax.
  • [G][criteria-g]
    • ✅ Error capture positions unchanged when error propagation enabled
  • [H][criteria-h]
    • 🚫 Implementation and spec simplicity.

💡 3. New "Semantic Non-Null" type, usurping ! syntax

Champion: @benjie

This proposal is similar to proposal 1, but:

  1. It introduces a document-level directive, @semanticNullability, which when present on a document allows the ! suffix to be used to represent semantically non-nullable types, and a new !! suffix to be used to represent strictly non-nullable types:
Syntax without directiveSyntax with directive
Semantically nullableIntInt
Semantically non-nullable-Int!
Strictly non-nullableInt!Int!!

As such all documents (both SDL and executable documents) retain their current meaning, and the semantically non-null type can be adopted on a per-document basis.

  1. It allows using semantically non-nullable types in input positions, allowing the Int! syntax to simply mean "non-nullable" on input.

Since there's no difference between whether a type is "semantically" or "strictly" non-nullable on input (input does not represent errors), executable documents will retain their existing syntax in perpetuity and never need to use this new directive - it's only used in the SDL.

Further, it's proposed that the SDL production responsibility be pushed to the client framework (Relay, Apollo, URQL, etc), which can reflect their own SDL for the schema that honours their error behavior (e.g. throw on error), null handling, and any client-local modifications (e.g. additional client-side fields/types). This client-produced SDL can use the traditional syntax and should be used by tooling such as code generation - this further limits the @semanticNullability directive to only be used by schema and tooling authors, meaning the vast majority of GraphQL consumers do not need to see it in their day-to-day work.

⚖️ Evaluation

  • [A][criteria-a]
  • [B][criteria-b]
    • ✅ Executable documents are not impacted by this proposal.
  • [C][criteria-c]
    • Int means nullable still.
  • [D][criteria-d]
    • Int! to indicate non-nullable is common in programming languages; and Int!! looks like it indicates "danger".
  • [E][criteria-e]
    • ✅ Executable documents do not use !!, and ! means non-nullable on both input and output (the difference between semantic an strict non-null does not occur on input)
  • [F][criteria-f]
    • Int reatains its meaning across both modes, and Int! means non-nullable in both modes. Only the SDL ever uses Int!! and it still means non-null, just with the additional "kills parent on exception" behavior.
  • [G][criteria-g]
    • ✅ Error capture positions unchanged when error propagation enabled
  • [H][criteria-h]
    • 🚫 Implementation and spec simplicity.

💡 4. New "Semantic Non-Null" type, with ? used for nullable types

Champion: @twof

This proposal builds on solution 3, but with a syntactic shuffle such that the unadorned type may be used as the semantically non-nullable type when the directive is present, and a ? symbol is used to indicate a nullable position.

Syntax without directiveSyntax with directive
Semantically nullableIntInt?
Semantically non-nullable-Int
Strictly non-nullableInt!Int!

⚖️ Evaluation

  • [A][criteria-a]
  • [B][criteria-b]
    • ✅ Existing documents don't use the directive, and thus are not impacted.
  • [C][criteria-c]
    • 🚫 With the directive present, GraphQL is no longer "nullable by default", and Int no longer represents a nullable integer.
  • [D][criteria-d]
    • Int? is commonly used to indicate nullablility in programming languages and Int! indicating non-nullable or danger is common. Int is less obvious when ? and ! variants exist.
  • [E][criteria-e]
    • 🚫 If the schema uses @semanticNullability but an operation document does not, Int has vastly different meanings: nullable on input but non-nullable on output.
  • [F][criteria-f]
    • 🚫 Int being nullable in one mode and non-nullable in the other mode is unexpected and will likely lead to confusion.
  • [G][criteria-g]
    • ✅ Error capture positions unchanged when error propagation enabled
  • [H][criteria-h]
    • 🚫 Implementation and spec simplicity.

💡 5. Use non-null in semantically non-nullable places and encourage disabling error propagation

Champion: @martinbonnin

This proposal relies on the ability of clients to opt out of error propagation; instead of introducing a new type it instructs schema authors to optimize for error-handling clients and use the traditional non-null type (!) on all semantically non-null fields.

⚖️ Evaluation

  • [A][criteria-a]
    • 🚫👍 The nullability used in both error-propagation and no-error-propagation modes are the same. This is a feature, not a bug!
  • [B][criteria-b]
    • ✅ The change from nullable to non-nullable on output is backwards compatible from a type perspective; for impact on error boundaries see G.
  • [C][criteria-c]
    • Int means nullable still.
  • [D][criteria-d]
    • ⚠️ Adding @onError to operations is not immediately intuitive but most error-handling clients should add it automatically, making it transparent to end users.
  • [E][criteria-e]
    • ✅ Same syntax.
  • [F][criteria-f]
    • ✅ Same syntax.
  • [G][criteria-g]
    • 🚫 Using non-null in more positions will change the error boundary positions when error propagation is enabled.
  • [H][criteria-h]
    • ✅ Implementation and spec simplicity.