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Naming conventions

I rushed this article out a little... Feel free to challenge anything on here and I'll be happy to add more detail!

This document aims to outline a standard naming conventions for the various entities that make up a GraphQL schema or executable document, and explain why the conventions were chosen (and reasons you might consider an alternative).

In general, this guide defers to the conventions used in the GraphQL Specification (the "Spec").

Important note: it does not matter what the name used in your underlying business logic or data storage is, GraphQL is the names that you present to the world and it should follow conventions that the schema users will find easy to follow.

For a quick summary, use the table of contents.


A GraphQL schema defines a number of types of named entities:

  • types: scalar, enum, object, interface, union, input object
  • enum values
  • fields (objects and interfaces)
  • input fields (input objects)
  • directives
  • arguments (fields and directives)

Let's look at naming conventions for each of these in turn.


There are 6 kind of "type" in GraphQL: scalar, enum, type ("object"), interface, union and input ("input object"). All these types live in the same namespace, i.e. if you have a type called Frog then you cannot also have an input called Frog.

The naming conventions for all 6 kinds of "type" in GraphQL tend to be aligned.

Query, Mutation, Subscription​

"Root operation types" are special types that are used as the type of the query, mutation and subscription operations. You should name these Query, Mutation and Subscription respectively so you don't need to declare the supported operations/types via the schema keyword.


The root operation types already use this naming convention, and it's used throughout the Spec. Seems uncontroversial.


If you have a type that represents a person, the type should be called something like Person. It should not be called People. There are no plural type names in the Spec.

Prefix: none​

GraphQL types should not be prefixed, for example an interface representing "media" would be called Media, not IMedia.

Suffix: mostly none​

In general GraphQL types should not have suffixes, for example a custom scalar representing a UUID would be called UUID, not UUIDScalar. One exception to this is input object types...

Suffixes for inputs​

At time of writing the Spec includes the following non-placeholder inputs in examples:

  • input Point
  • input Point2D
  • input FindDogInput

In real-world schemas it's rare to find input objects that don't have a suffix; this is because it's very common for an input to have an associated type, and these types cannot use the same name. Generally the type will use the "base name" (e.g. Point) and the input will use a derived name that has a suffix, for example PointInput, PointPatch or similar.

Common suffixes used for input objects are:

  • Input - generally used for the input version of an output type (e.g. for a "create" or "upsert" mutation)
  • Patch or Update (Benjie prefers "Patch") - generally used when applying an update to an output type, typically all of the fields are nullable so that you can choose to only update the fields you specify (e.g. for an "update" mutation)
  • Filter - generally used to specify how to filter a collection
  • Order - generally used for ordering (sorting) a collection

Reason: PostGraphile API, GitHub API

Enum values​


Reason: the Spec, PostGraphile API, GitHub API

Fields (objects and interfaces)​


Reason: the Spec, PostGraphile API, GitHub API

Input fields (input objects)​

Generally the same as object fields.


Reason: the Spec, PostGraphile API, GitHub API



The built in directives @skip and @include could be camelCase or even snake_case; but we discussed this at the GraphQL WG regarding the @oneOf directive and it was decided that we would use camelCase going forward.

Reason: the (future) Spec

Arguments (fields and directives)​


Reason: the Spec

Executable documents​

A GraphQL "executable document" (the document in a GraphQL request, often imprecisely referred to as a "query") generally uses the names defined in the schema, but it also defines a number of types of named entities:

  • operation names
  • fragment names
  • aliases

Operation names​

e.g. in the Spec one example document is query getDogName { dog { name } }; the operation name in this is getDogName. Operation names are optional.


The Spec uses a mixture of camelCase and UpperCamelCase for operation names, but there are significantly more examples using camelCase than UpperCamelCase, so that's what we recommend.

Reason: the Spec


One example in the Spec:

fragment userFragment on User {
friends {

camelCase (or whatever)​

This one is a little controversial.

In the April 20th 2023 Spec WG I asked Lee why camelCase was generally used in the spec for naming fragments. Lee said:

CapitalCase/PascalCase was a reserved space for types β€” if I see something in PascalCase I default to assuming it's a type in the schema, if I see something camelCase I assume it's something other than that. Obviously, the convention for field names and argument names and variable names is all camel case. Fragment names are a little bit in an in–between space there. Made sense to me to treat them more similarly to a field than more similarly to a type.


There's actually a mixture of naming for fragments in the spec, some use UpperCamelCase but the majority use camelCase.

It's worth noting that Relay requires that fragment names start with the name of the file in which they're defined.

You should use whatever your team wants to use; but if in doubt then the spec leans towards camelCase.

Reason: the Spec.



Aliases are just different names for fields, generally they should use the same naming convention as fields unless you have a good reason (e.g. you're trying to match some external data format).


Aliases have three main purposes:

  1. Abbreviating long field names (e.g. fullName -> name)
  2. Allowing you to reference the same field twice with different parameters (e.g. smallPic: profilePic(size: 64), bigPic: profilePic(size: 1024))
  3. Clarifying intent (e.g. nodes -> people)

In all cases, the alias you use should be short. Using too many aliases, or aliases that are too long, may trigger a server's security protections.

Extra research​

Example schema​

The Spec contains this example schema:

type Query {
dog: Dog
findDog(searchBy: FindDogInput): Dog

enum DogCommand {

type Dog implements Pet {
name: String!
nickname: String
barkVolume: Int
doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: DogCommand!): Boolean!
isHouseTrained(atOtherHomes: Boolean): Boolean!
owner: Human

interface Sentient {
name: String!

interface Pet {
name: String!

type Alien implements Sentient {
name: String!
homePlanet: String

type Human implements Sentient {
name: String!
pets: [Pet!]

enum CatCommand {

type Cat implements Pet {
name: String!
nickname: String
doesKnowCommand(catCommand: CatCommand!): Boolean!
meowVolume: Int

union CatOrDog = Cat | Dog
union DogOrHuman = Dog | Human
union HumanOrAlien = Human | Alien

input FindDogInput {
name: String
owner: String

Other GraphQL naming guides​